Chaps & Stuff
(What to Wear)
While clothing is optional at Georgia Frontiers, we realize that many cowboys and cowgirls want to dress to impress. After all, it's not how you ride; it's how you look. However, there are a few things you should know:
Jeans or long pants are strongly recommended. Riding through the blackberry bushes is sure to leave a mark if you don't.
Wear boots or tennis shoes - NO open-toed shoes, flip-flops, sandals, or high heels. We will laugh at anyone who either teeters on her horse or trips in the mud because of inappropriate footwear.
For the ladies (especially those who are well-endowed), we strongly suggest a supportive over-the-shoulder boulder holder or you'll be at risk of knocking yourself out when the horses pick up speed. Seriously...wear a good bra.
Warning: Men who wear boxers have been known to scream like little girls when trotting. Undergarments that contain and protect are advised.